RADAR Altimeter Test

Our RADAR Altimeter Test for the testing and calibration of radar altimeter systems is part of our High-Performance Low- Frequency Optical Delay Line (ODL) solutions. This ODL product family meets the growing demand for testing and calibrating radar systems and RF communication. Depending on their needs, customers can opt for our low and high frequency ODLs. The ALT ODL is part of our low-frequency ODLs that also include any type of fixed or progressive ODL of up to 6.0GHz with direct modulation (L, S, & C bands).

RFOptic’s high frequency Altimeter Optical Delay Line (ALT ODL) provides a high-performance solution for testing and calibration of radar altimeter systems, including simulation with Doppler modulation that simulates target movement.

The RF input signal is converted into a modulated optical signal, which is then transmitted into a single mode fiber, creating a fixed time delay defined by the fiber length corresponding to a desired altitude. After passing through the fiber, the optical signal is converted back into an electrical RF signal, identical to the input RF signal.
The ALT ODL can be configured to emulate a single altitude or up to more than 2
24 altitude steps (24bits) with a minimum step of 0.5ft (15cm).

RFOptic’s ODL unit is a compact solution, which provides superb signal performance and altitude simulation accuracy with an ultra-silent operation.
Local Control and Monitoring are provided via the front panel LCD and navigation switch. Remote M&C is available via a USB interface using the RFOptic App or over an Ethernet Interface using HTML/SNMP/REST protocols. For system integration,USB or REST API and MIB are provided. Direct TTL option is also available when sub-millisecond fast switching is required.

The Altimeter ODL offers very high accuracy better than 0.3ft (10cm) in the smallest main segments for altitude steps under 6ft and >0.1% above. The maximum altitude can reach 100,000 feet or 30Km in one enclosure.

  • Altitude range 0.5ft to 100,000ft
  • Display Delay, Round-trip Distance, Range or Altitude
  • Custom steps
  • Supports frequencies from 0.5MHz up to 6GHz
  • Handles all altimeter RF signals, encoding, and protocols, including Pulse and CW signals
  • Delay accuracy of 0.1%
  • Amplitude Control with 30dB LNA On/Off and 31.5dB 0.5dB step input and output attenuators
  • Excellent Phase Noise
  • High dynamic range
Radar Calibration Testing
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  • RF and Optical bypass
  • DC Power
  • External Delay(s) 
  • Optical Power Indication
  • Built in diagnostics
  • Doppler modulation

Managed remotely over Ethernet, USB or manually via a navigation switch